Keystone federation++
OpenStack dev stories
- Goals for a federated identity system
- A brief guide to Keystone federation
- The missing pieces
- Additional traps
- The final picture
- Full list of patches
At Chameleon, I help develop and operate a series of OpenStack cloud deployments, which have been modded to serve as a powerful general-purpose testbed for Computer Science research. Currently Chameleon is deployed at three separate host institutions and provides over six thousand CS researchers with bare metal access to a diverse range of state-of-the-art hardware configurations.
Last year we worked to replace our old legacy authentication and identity system. Users up until that time had to register for a separate account for Chameleon, and used that username and password to authenticate against Keystone, OpenStack’s identity system. We first had Keystone verify the user’s credentials against our central account database, but this made it a single point of failure, so at some point we switched to provisioning the accounts directly in Keystone at user registration time so Keystone could locally verify credentials. Because we had multiple sites at different locations that we needed to keep in sync with the accounts we had active in the system, we also experimented with running a geo-distributed MariaDB cluster just for Keystone in order to transparently share user accounts between multiple cloud sites: every OpenStack site effectively would be sharing a single user and project database, but would use its own database(s) for the other services. This however required us to coordinate changes to the Keystone database schema (e.g., during OpenStack upgrades) across all the sites, making upgrades much harder than they had to be. It also made it harder to add and integrate additional sites.
It was time for a change. We wanted a system that was simpler for users to use and be onboarded into, while also scaling well to arbitrary numbers of cloud deployment sites. Federated identity provided the solution, but it took some hacking to get us there.
Goals for a federated identity system
Early on, we identified a few goals of the system from a product perspective:
Users should be able to log in with existing credentials. Chameleon caters to the research community, many of whom already have accounts at their host institution or national laboratory. For those who do not have such accounts, we would support a general-purpose identity such as Google or ORCiD.
A user’s login session should carry across applications. Prior, users of Chameleon’s various OpenStack clouds would have to log in to each cloud separately, though with the same credentials. Single Sign-On (SSO) makes sense to use for our systems and is a better user experience.
The system should integrate with all existing applications. Besides various Keystone deployments, Chameleon also has a user management portal, which is a Django web application, and a JupyterHub deployment. The identity system should support all of these, and should be flexible enough to support more applications in the future.
CLI/API authentication must be supported. Many users use CLI interfaces to Chameleon’s cloud systems and we had to ensure we did not break this or make it significantly more onerous. If you’ve used OpenStack’s clients before, you know how burdensome figuring out the right authentication parameters can already be.
Store as little user inforation as possible. We don’t want to be responsible for storing sensitive data about users, such as passwords, which may be re-used on other sites. Similarly, we don’t want to store a lot of contact information about the users. To whatever extent we can rely on information fetched from an upstream source, such as Google or Globus, we should. This approach is also in-line with data privacy regulations such as GDPR.
Additional constraints
There are a few important rules about Chameleon accounts:
- Users can be members of one or more projects.
- Every project has one user acting as the project owner, who can add other users to the project.
- Projects are authorized to use cloud resources by having an “allocation”: this is effectively a “budget” they are allowed to spend over a fixed amount of time.
- Both projects and users can be disabled, e.g., if the project’s allocation expires or the project/user demonstrates irresponsible use or abuse of resources.
These constraints added some additional goals:
Authorization policies should be flexible and per-client. When a user first joins Chameleon, they will likely not be a part of any projects. Similarly, if returning after a long time, it’s possible their pre-existing projects have expired. Depending on the application, users not belonging to any authorized projects should still have access, i.e., login shouldn’t simply fail as a general rule.
Changes to project memberships should propagate as soon as possible. Users often wrote in to support asking why they didn’t have access to a project, when in fact they did, but the change had not yet been synced to all the Keystone services.
Users should not be allowed to perform actions under disabled projects. This is somewhat obvious, but important enough to call out, as it’s how we prevent unauthorized usage of cloud resources.
Final design
Ultimately, we decided on a design that uses Keycloak as a central identity provider. Keycloak keeps track of all users, projects (groups) and the group memberships. From an application like Keystone’s perspective, Keycloak serves as the OpenID Provider (OP). The applications use standard OpenID Connect authentication flows to log in the user and obtain some claims about the user from Keycloak. Project memberships are included in claims so that at login time, the client application knows what projects the user belongs to. This is particularly important for Keystone, which has no support for fetching user information after login (via, e.g. OpenID’s UserInfo endpoint).
Keystone needed several adjustments to properly integrate with our design, which demanded more from the system than it could support by default. The rest of this post goes into detail about those modifications. OpenStack is open source, let’s take advantage of that fact!
A brief guide to Keystone federation
Keystone’s own documentation will do a far better job than I of explaining what federated identity is in general, and how Keystone supports it. The main thing to know is that Keystone supports registering a mapping, expressed as a JSON file following a defined schema, which describes how OpenID Connect (OIDC) or SAML claims should map to Keystone entities. A claim is some metadata that is attached to the authentication token generated by the identity provider, and typically has some basic information about the user, such as their username, email address, and possibly other contact details. The specifics are ultimately up to the identity provider. This means that if you control the identity provider implementation, you have a lot of options open to you. Claims for OIDC are encoded as JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), so they can look something like this:
"FirstName": "James",
"LastName": "Kirk",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Groups": ["Staff", "Bridge"]
Here is a simple Keystone federation mapping, just so you have an idea. With this mapping, when a user logs in, Keystone will automatically provision a federated user named “{FirstName} {LastName}” with the email “{Email}”, where those bracketed parts would be resolved from the OIDC or SAML claims. The bracketed tokens in the mapping refer to “slots” in the “remotes” section; the 0th slot contains the value of the “FirstName” claim.
Note: the best guide for the mapping syntax is the Mapping Combinations documentation, which goes over all the pieces of the syntax and gives some examples. It is, however, not incredibly extensive. It takes a while to grok the mapping system, as it may not work in the way you immediately expect. But, it is ultimately very powerful and gets the job done.
"rules": [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0} {1}",
"email": "{2}"
"remote": [
"type": "FirstName"
"type": "LastName"
"type": "Email"
Automatically creating users is useful, but really what we want is to associate that user with a Keystone project. Projects are central to Keystone and the other OpenStack services as they’re the main way the system tracks usage and ownership. Therefore we ultimately want to be able to sort users into projects via this mapping. Fortunately, in addition to the “user” mapping target, the engine also supports a “projects” target. When a user is mapped to a project, Keystone will automatically provision the project if it doesn’t already exist, which means the cloud operator has to do very little work ahead of time, and indeed, doesn’t need to do additional work for any additional future projects. This can however cause difficulties if projects which were never intended to wind up in Keystone get auto-provisioned, so some care must be taken to filter these out. Here’s what a mapping with projects looks like. It looks at a “Department” claim containing the name of the user’s department within the organization and puts them into a project for that department.
"rules": [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0} {1}",
"email": "{2}"
"projects": {
"name": "{3}",
"roles": [
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "FirstName"
"type": "LastName"
"type": "Email"
"type": "Department"
The mapping engine does have a few filtering mechanisms available, allowing operators to filter out some values of a claim containing multiple entries (such as the “groups” claim). The filter mechanism can also be used to disallow users with some claims to log in at all; this can be useful if you only want to allow a subset of users in the identity provider access to the cloud.
As mentioned eariler, rather than directly integrate Keystone with a third-party identity provider, such as GitHub, or Google, or Globus, we decided to deploy and configure our own intermediate identity provider using Keycloak. This ended up being a very good decision because it allowed us to reap the benefits of upstream identity providers such as Globus while being able to control how claims were delivered downstream to our Keycloak clients. For example, we could write a custom OIDC claim provider that returned the precise list of projects that the authenticating user was a member of, and filter that list to only include enabled projects, based on Keycloak group attributes we were managing via a separate accounting system. The ability to create custom claims came in very handy, as we’ll see below.
The missing pieces
After evaluating Keystone’s federation offering, it became clear that we would have some troubles. Fortunately, and it’s a testament to Keystone’s design that I was able to do this, all blockers were resolved with relatively minimal changes or modifications to Keystone, and in all cases we were adding new functionality to Keystone rather than making breaking changes to existing functionality. These kind of changes are easier to carry forward into future OpenStack releases even if they are not accepted by core contributors.
In all cases, I tried to structure the solution to our problem such that it addressed as wide a set of use cases as possible, rather than doing one-off hacks just for our deployment. While more difficult, the hope is this improves the chances of us releasing the patches upstream.
Multiple projects per user
The first thing I noticed was that auto-provisioning of projects didn’t work quite like I expected. In the following simple mapping, consider a test user that has OIDC claims like this:
"preferred_username": "[email protected]",
"projects": ["MyProject", "MyOtherProject"]
With the following mapping, I would expect this user is added to two projects, one called MyProject and one called MyOtherProject, and each project would be lazily created if it did not already exist.
"rules": [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"projects": [
"name": "{1}",
"roles": {
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "OIDC-preferred_username"
"type": "OIDC-projects"
This however was not the case! Instead, a single project was created, with the entire list of project names encoded as the name field:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| domain_id | b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dcd |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae494af78 |
| is_domain | False |
| name | ["MyProject","MyOtherProject"] |
| options | {} |
| parent_id | b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dcd |
| tags | [] |
This turned out to be because not all mapping “targets” in Keystone’s federation mapping could support the input being a list. When the input claim is a list, the desired behavior is to expand the list, mapping to N targets instead of 1.
The patch for this, keystone/727891, also adds the missing support for mapping multiple roles. We did not need support for mapping multiple roles, as all users just get the default “member” role on their projects, but it was simple enough to include and makes the behavior more consistent.
Auto-remove users
It turns out that, while users can be added to projects lazily on first login, they are never removed from these projects if their claims change later! This was important to fix, because it meant that users would retain access to any of their past projects forever.
keystone/741785 adds a new
Keystone configuration setting remove_dangling_assignments
, which is turned off by
default to maintain old behavior. If turned on, however, users will be removed from any
projects not matching their claims. This only applies to projects within the identity
provider domain, so,
any projects in other domains or the default domain will be untouched (Keystone isolates
users/projects into one domain per identity provider configured.)
Rich claim objects
Keystone reasonably assumes that claims are going to either be strings, or lists of strings. We however had a very specific need, and while it’s a bit of a silly need relative to the technical complexity required to fulfill it, it ultimately drove a few improvements that make the Keystone mapping engine significantly more powerful.
When users are logged in to the OpenStack GUI, in the top nav bar they have a project selector dropdown, which displays the name of the project. In Chameleon, all of our projects have immutable names–this is important because the names act as foreign keys, allowing projects to be matched up across cloud deployments. These names are however not very user-friendly: they look like a prefix followed by a set of six numbers. Users who are members of multiple projects very often get them confused. So, at some point we allowed users to “nickname” their projects with text of their choice. We store this field as an extra field on the Keystone project (Keystone’s API already supports this.) We then patched the GUI to show that field value if it was present instead of the project name. Users were happy.
With federated projects being auto-provisioned, we had to somehow sneak that nickname field in there. We could have opted to periodically sync the nickname directly to the project via some out-of-band process, but we had come this far without having to fall back on syncing, and one of the design goals of the architecture was to avoid this. And, the sync solution would have to be maintained for every Keystone deployment we had, now and in the future. So, what can we do?
The first step was to update our Keycloak IdP to return a more complex representation for the projects a user belonged to:
"preferred_username": "[email protected]",
"projects": [
{"name": "P-123456", "nickname": "MyProject"},
{"name": "P-234567", "nickname": "OtherProject"}
So now instead of having the “projects” claim be a list of IDs/names, we have a richer representation containing both. Now we have to get Keystone to accept this new reality.
Parsing entire assertion as JSON
Keystone delegates the federation protocol’s authentication and authorization to some
service sitting directly in front of Keystone. That service is responsible for doing all
the handshakes and claim verification, before passing the claims to the Keystone wsgi
handler. Keystone then sees those claims as environment variables or HTTP headers. For
OpenID, the mod_auth_openidc
module is the recommended solution for this. Now, when using a richer claim structure,
the first thing I noticed was that the claim wasn’t being properly passed down to
Keystone, because the Apache module couldn’t understand how to parse and then
re-serialize the claim; it was not expecting a nested JSON structure.
The solution to this was to configure the module to just pass all the claims
directly through to Keystone in a big JSON blob. This is possible by changing
setting from “claims” to “claims payload”, meaning that both
the individual claims are passed as environment/headers, but also one
environment variable will contain the entire payload encoded as JSON.
I then wrote a little patch (not yet submitted) to add a new assertion_payload
configuration setting, which can be set to the name of the environment variable
that will hold the entire set of claims encoded as JSON. Keystone will then
parse the value of that variable as JSON and update its internal representation
of the assertion claims accordingly. This allowed the rich claims to make it
into the mapping engine.
Note: you’ll see in the mapping examples that the “remote” section references claims without the “OIDC-“ prefix; the way I wrote the patch, the claims that come from parsing the entire JSON payload just get added w/o a prefix.
Mapping “extra” properties
Next, the “projects” mapper needed support for actually specifying this extra metadata to set on the project when it was created. Another patch adds support for this in the mapping engine, allowing you to specify an “extra” field in a project mapper to set additional fields:
"rules": [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"projects": [
"name": "{1}",
"extra": {
"extra_key": "extra-value",
"extra_key2": "extra-value2"
"roles": {
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "preferred_username"
"type": "projects"
These extra fields can also contain tokens like “{0}”, so they can contain values mapped from claims.
Map fields over claim list items
We’re still missing the final piece: how to wire in our list of projects such that, for each project in the claim, the “name” attribute is mapped to the project name, while the “nickname” is mapped to an extra field?
To solve this, I updated the mapping engine to support more types of token placeholders than just “{0}”, “{1}”, etc. The engine now can support tokens like “{0[name]}”, which tells it:
Look at the claim referenced in the first slot of my declared ‘remotes’.
If the claim is an object, return the ‘name’ field.
If the claim is a list, return a list of all the ‘name’ fields for each item in the list.
If the claim is neither an object nor a list, or is otherwise malformed, return nothing.
If you’re into functional programming, this effectively provides a way to express a map operation, albeit with very limited inputs.
This now (finally) allows us to express our mapping using Keystone’s mapping definition:
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"projects": [
"name": "{2[name]}",
"extra": {
"nickname": "{2[nickname]}"
"roles": [
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "preferred_username"
"type": "projects"
Note: these lookups don’t go any further than one level, so it’s not possible to do like “{0[child][name]}” or something like that. At some point one has to draw the line!
Additional traps
Once the whole integration was more or less working, it was time to polish up the user experience and deal with a few less critical issues I encountered.
Regex whitelist/blacklist
We experimented with using nested Keycloak groups (and fine grained admin permissions) to model the idea of roles within a project: some users should be able to add and remove users, while others cannot. This meant that our Keycloak groups might look like this:
The “*-managers” groups are used to apply custom Keycloak policies, allowing any user in that group to manage the parent group’s memberships. For this to work, a user will have to be in both groups, e.g., in both ProjectA and ProjectA-managers. Yet, we can see that there shouldn’t really be a Keystone project called “ProjectA-managers”, as it’s not really a “real” project.
The solution for this normally is to add the projects that should be ignored to a “blacklist” in the Keystone mapping:
"remote": [
"type": "projects",
"blacklist": ["ProjectA-managers", "ProjectB-managers"]
However, this doesn’t scale. Keystone’s any_one_of
and not_any_of
filters support regexes, but this was never added to the blacklist
filters for some reason.
keystone/730423 adds
support for regexes to these filters, so we could now do this:
"remote": [
"type": "projects",
"blacklist": [".*-managers$"],
"regex": true
This doesn’t work yet though, because we added in those fancy rich claims, which have nested fields! The filter assumes that claim will be a string or list of strings, and raises an exception. I really wanted to tell the mapping, filter out any items in the “projects” claim, if the “name” attribute on that item has a certain value. So, I had to write another patch to be able to apply filters to nested fields. This part of the mapping now finally becomes:
"remote": [
"type": "projects",
"blacklist": {
"name": [".*-managers$"]
"regex": true
Loose constraints
Another interesting thing that came up was how to deal with users who were not a member of any projects. Normally, this would cause the entire mapping (and thus the login) to fail, because for a mapping to pass, all claims must be present and non-empty. From our perspective though, it’s totally fine to allow the user through. OpenStack will disallow these users from doing anything without a project, but it at least gives us a chance to show a nicer error message to them, indicating they need to be added to a project or request to be added to one.
The simplest fix was to add the idea of “optional” claims. If a claim is marked optional, then the mapping can still pass even if the claim is undefined or empty. We can then allow the “projects” list to be empty like so:
"remote": [
"type": "projects",
"optional": true,
"blacklist": {
"name": [
"regex": true
OpenID provider discovery
We use the wonderful Kolla Ansible
to deploy and configure our OpenStack clouds.
added support for configuring all the relevant bits and bobs for OpenID federation,
which eliminates much of the burden in setting all this up. However, Kolla Ansible’s
implementation configures mod_auth_openidc
for multiple OpenID providers. The reason
for this is that it’s feasible that a cloud deployer would configure multiple identity
providers in Keystone. When mod_auth_openidc
is set up this way, though, it will take
all login requests through an additional interstitial page, which asks the user to
confirm which configured OP they want to use.
This is redundant and unnecessary, as Keystone already allows the user to select which
IdP they want to use. We can bypass this by implementing OpenID Connect
Discovery and then setting
configuration option:
# Defines an external OP Discovery page. That page will be called with:
# <discovery-url>?oidc_callback=<callback-url>
# additional parameters may be added, a.o. `target_link_uri`, `x_csrf` and `method`.
# An Issuer selection can be passed back to the callback URL as in:
# <callback-url>?iss=[${issuer}|${domain}|${e-mail-style-account-name}][parameters][&login_hint=<login-hint>][&scopes=<scopes>][&auth_request_params=<params>]
# where the <iss> parameter contains the URL-encoded issuer value of
# the selected Provider, or a URL-encoded account name for OpenID
# Connect Discovery purposes (aka. e-mail style identifier), or a domain name.
# [parameters] contains the additional parameters that were passed in on the discovery request (e.g. target_link_uri=<url>&x_csrf=<x_csrf>&method=<method>&scopes=<scopes>)
# When not defined the bare-bones internal OP Discovery page is used.
OIDCDiscoverURL <discovery-url>
I wrote a patch to add a new Keystone endpoint hanging off of the same prefix as the
rest of the federation endpoints. It is responsible for redirecting to the callback URL
and setting the pre-selected identity provider parameters such as “iss”. This is
possible because the discover endpoint will receive the target_link_uri
which will be a Keystone OpenID URI, which helpfully contains the name of the Keystone
identity provider in the path. So we can be a bit tricky and use this to look up the
value for “iss”. With this in-place in Keystone, mod_auth_openidc
can use OP discovery
and the user no longer sees that awkward extra page in the flow.
Limited OIDC support for rich claims
One last wrinkle I encountered was that not all client libraries had good support for rich OIDC claims; similar to Keystone, they assumed claims would either be strings or a list of strings. The main offender here was JupyterHub’s OAuthenticator, but I imagine there are others.
To support such applications, I configured the Keycloak IdP to return a simpler set of claims to the clients I knew to have issues, such as JupyterHub. Instead of “projects”, we now have “project_names”:
"preferred_username": "[email protected]",
"project_names": ["P-123456", "P-234567"]
But wait, there’s more…
This change had larger implications because of some capabilities our JupyterHub system
has. We wanted our JupyterHub users to be able to transparently interact with the remote
OpenStack sites without having to do any wrangling of OpenRC files or logging in again
to each site. With federated authentication this is possible because we can piggy-back
on the token JupyterHub receives when the user performs their login: the
keystoneauth library supports an
authentication method called v3oidcaccesstoken
, which allows passing an
already-generated OIDC access token straight to Keystone, rather than Keystone
attempting to obtain this itself.
However, this means whatever claims JupyterHub received from the IdP will be then passed to Keystone, because they are encoded in this token! Since OAuthenticator could only accept simple claims, it would be sending those simple claims back to Keystone, which would reject them, because the mapping was expecting the rich “projects” claim.
Instead of addressing this directly in OAuthenticator, I opted to give Keystone two mappings: a preferred one, which uses the rich claims, and a “dumb” one that it can fall back to. Keystone’s mapping engine will apply the first mapping that successfully passes, so we just put the new simpler mapping after it. You can see the final mapping(s) below.
The final picture
With the patches in place, we were able to get everything we needed to work within Keystone’s existing federation mapping engine. The final mapping we configured looks something like this:
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}",
"email": "{1}"
"projects": [
"name": "{2[name]}",
"extra": {
"nickname": "{2[nickname]}"
"roles": [
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "preferred_username"
"type": "email"
"type": "projects",
"optional": true,
"blacklist": {
"name": [
"regex": true
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}",
"email": "{1}"
"projects": [
"name": "{2}",
"roles": [
"name": "member"
"remote": [
"type": "OIDC-preferred_username"
"type": "OIDC-email"
"type": "OIDC-project_names",
"optional": true,
"blacklist": [
"regex": true
We now had a login system for all of our OpenStack deployments, and it was generic: every Keystone system could be configured exactly the same (just changing the Keycloak client ID and secret). This is particularly powerful because we have open-sourced Chameleon’s provisioning code so that other host institutions or labs can deploy our specific infrastructure. Login with federated identity is now included by default, so any deployer of Chameleon doesn’t need to worry about it.
When a user logs in to any site, their project memberships are synced immediately. They
will lose access to any projects they were removed from and will gain access to projects
they were added to since the last login. They can still use the CLI: the simplest thing
we found was to override the default OpenRC template in Horizon to properly configure it
to use the v3oidcpassword
authentication type, which effectively implements support
for the OAuth2.0 Resource Owner Password
Grant; the user sets a
password in Keycloak and that serves as their CLI password. Users can also opt to create
Keystone application
if that works better for them.
We encouraged all users to migrate over to the new system over a period of about six months, which went pretty smoothly all things considered. To assist in the migration, we wrote some self-service tooling that users could invoke to copy information from their legacy Keystone user and projects (which were under the “default” Keystone domain) to their “new” user and projects in the federated domain.
Full list of patches
If you’re interested in applying any of these patches to your Keystone deployment, here they are. I don’t think the order in which you apply them matters very much, as there are very few, if any, dependencies between each changest.
- keystone/727891 (not merged): create multiple projects if a claim has multiple values
- keystone/741785 (not merged): automatically prune user memberships from projects
- keystone/730423 (merged): regex support in whitelist/blacklist filters